Saturday, July 13, 2013

Stupid Question of the week #1


I was asked a question the other day that I wanted to share with everyone online. Why is everyone so obsessed over cats. Yes cats now I actually thought about it maybe because they are cats and we strive to be as agile and curious. The person asking the question was like well what if it's simply because they are cute and cuddly looking. Honestly I have no idea what or why we are so obsessed over Cats. Tobuscus is yeah He hates cats not because he is racist its that he is allergic (sounds about right). Any way yes there are people out there that disagree and its dogs for them. But some moment in time you will find yourself searching LOL cats and going why am I here O.o. I asked another friend of mine and they simply stated Aliens seems to be the answer for everything now a days...screw magic blame the Aliens. (correct term is Extra Terrestrial Americans -insert country here) But Still I don't know I mean it may be simple.

insert your whacky idea or random thought of why we love cats so much. the end of the week the winning quote will be shared on the Next stupid question.

People used in this post Toby Turner :P
Look him up on youtube he is epic!

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